Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cruise Spots In Las Vegas

Si sente spesso parlare di come si possono ottenere dei prestiti a condizioni vantaggiose, ma molto più raramente si sente invece parlare di come si possono estinguere i prestiti. L’estinzione anticipata dei prestiti infatti è certamente più rara della richiesta di erogazione dei prestiti, ma è comunque una strada percorribile che possiede una procedura propria e ben codificata.
Iniziamo col dire che l’estinzione advance loan is nothing more than the faculty that the applicant has to pay in advance, compared to the agreed time, your debt. This right is guaranteed by law (the Banking Act - Article 40, paragraph I) and is therefore expected in all types of loans.
Before requesting early repayment of a loan is necessary to get the count so-called extinct, or that count showing the amount due to the credit institution in order to achieve the early repayment of the loan current. Counting discontinuance of the loans is calculated by subtracting the amount still to be returned (ie, the monthly repayment multiplied by the number of installments yet be honored), the amount of interest not accrued (TAN). To get the real count this amount must be added the associated costs - set in the contract-signing of loans and early repayment penalty, that is, a sum which by law can not exceed 1% of the amount that we still have to pay.
counting extinct and therefore a real certificate, and to release the same institution that gave us the loan. The certificate of discontinuance
count are then also given all the information to perform effectively the early repayment of its debts, or the banking institution that issued it and the purpose of bonifico, oltre che ovviamente la somma totale da versare.
Il conteggio per accedere all’estinzione anticipata dei prestiti ha una validità limitata nel tempo, in quanto l’importo è strettamente legato al giorno di calcolo del conteggio stesso. Per questo motivo, nel certificato di conteggio estintivo viene riportata anche la data massima entro la quale si potrà portare a termine l’estinzione anticipata dei prestiti che abbiamo in corso. Successivamente a quella data, il conteggio non ha più valore e l’estinzione anticipata necessiterà di un nuovo conteggio estintivo, alla luce del quale verranno dettate altre condizioni per arrivare alla stessa estinzione anticipata.
Percorrere la strada dell’estinzione advance loans is certainly a case to be considered as it involves the saving of interest not yet due. In contrast, however, those savings should be balanced with the penalty of early termination to which we can add any commission fees.
to complete the practice of early repayment of its debt, in the case of loans through the fifth assignment or delegation loans, it is necessary that the credit institution that issued the loan itself - which is also the same as made the count extinct - in an official notifies the employer of the applicant that the debt has been settled and therefore should not be made further deductions on salary. In this way, the employer will from the month following notification to the applicant to pay the full amount of their salary.



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