Tuesday, September 15, 2009

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Mortgages: increased customer demands at the counter online

È solo un movimento impercettibile quello che si registra agli sportelli di due grandi banche italiane

Ma tanto basta per anticipare la tendenza che i risparmiatori delusi dai Bot (Buoni ordinari del Tesoro che hanno un rendimento ormai sotto lo 0% al netto delle commissioni) e ancora timorosi delle performance borsistiche (i listini hanno guadagnato il 40% rispetto al punto più basso della crisi toccato a marzo e potrebbero anche fermarsi per una pausa di riflessione) guardano all' investimento sicuro par excellence, ie to brick. Tentatively

customers seeking loans have resurfaced over the counter. The prices of commercial real fell dramatically as in other countries but the market is finding its balance between sellers and buyers. And who has called out the cash accounts. This feeling that the atmosphere at Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, which confirms that at the time, "especially with regard to Rome, and despite the generally difficult market conditions during the first seven months of 2009 demand for mortgages and housing is paid for returned to grow. "

Anche se in questo caso nelle erogazioni sono da considerare quelle legate alla portabilità dei mutui. Una facoltà che ha consentito a molti mutuatari di abbassare il costo della rata e che ha messo in moto una parte del mercato. Ma a parte questo il segnale c'è. E senza il supporto dei dati è la stessa tendenza che si riscontra anche presso Unicredit-Banca per la casa.

Fonti dell'istituto spiegano che «allo sportello si percepisce la situazione di difficoltà che le famiglie italiane stanno vivendo. Soprattutto in termini di cautela prima di acquistare un'abitazione». Ma qualcosa si muove. A livello di mercato gli ultimi dati disponibili sono quelli di Bankitalia che, a marzo 2009, mostra un calo nelle erogazioni dei mutui del 23% about. So far, so the statistics. What has become clear is that the feeling of the collapse of the economy for small investors is now behind us.

And who in this period managed to earn the income you are presenting at the branch to consider the request for a credit. Unicredit confirms that "the trend is beginning to change. The loan applications are arriving at the counter in slight increase. " In particular, the average figure that is required has been on pre-crisis levels. "The average amount requested for the purchase of a house is about 120 thousand €" the same sources explained. Only small signals then. But indicative and above positive.

Source: Loans and Mortgages www.iltempo.it

Sunday, September 13, 2009

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photovoltaic systems up to 200,000 €.

It has come a long way of photovoltaic technology in recent years, Italy.

The market for photovoltaic systems that turn around is able to provide discrete margins to those who installed a photovoltaic system with innovative solar cells that develop a superior and durable.

In addition there is the possibility di beneficiare degli incentivi statali e l’opportunità di vendere la propria energia al gestore qualora se ne produca di più rispetto a quella consumata.

Ciò ha fatto si che molte persone coltivino sempre di più un maggiore interesse per gli impianti fotovoltaici.

Inoltre l’acquisto di un’impianto fotovoltaico è accessibile anche attraverso innovative proposte finanziarie per i privati e per le imprese, ovvero dei veri e propri finanziamenti per fotovoltaici fino alla copertura del 100% del valore dell’impianto fotovoltaico e fino ad un importo massimo di 200.000 €. .

Per ulteriori informazioni connesse ai finanziamenti for photovoltaic systems is available at: http://www.prestitivelocionline.it/energia-rinnovabile/finanziamenti-impianti-fotovoltaici-2009/

Monday, August 31, 2009

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Refund Loans Mortgages, Loans

"I'm going to stop to ask for the" top 4% 'and not even know what it is, "writes Claudio from Reggio Emilia. "I spoke directly to the director, but did not know if taking in the spread of 4% or less, and still asked me to not relied on because it was just a bill," said David Catania.

Vito instead was told that, given the fall in Euribor, "the mortgage is so convenient to wait a while 'is the minimum," while Paul gave assurances that "everything they hope to close by year-end."

are many examples of this tone that readers have sent in 24 mortgages on the refusal of the facilities provided by the Dl crisis (now launched 9 months ago) to the benefit of variable mortgages. All or almost, because some customers report that they have received a letter from the bank that promises the payment of the balance and some more fortunate that it has actually already received. "But no one explains how it was calculated, how do I know that the figures are right?" adds Angela Bari

Hence something is moving, and September could be really good month to finally get the subsidy. Plus 24 on newsstands tomorrow has prompted the major national banks as they are organizing to ensure the settlements and also addresses the issue of mixed-rate mortgages, which could turn in yet, "Italian-style pie."

Street: www.ilsole24ore.com

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

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September 2009

are in list prices, but remain in the drawers of the subsidiaries. There is talk of ECB rate mortgages, mortgage loans that have as a benchmark for calculating the rate the rate set by the European Central Bank. The survey shows a clear tendency in the subsidiaries not to offer the product. The advantages of a mortgage (almost) unknown

are in list prices, but remain in the drawers of the subsidiaries. There is talk of ECB rate mortgages. Those mortgage loans, that is, that as a benchmark for calculating the rate, the rate set by the European Central Bank, which is now 1% (the lowest rate) and maybe even come up to a distance 0 , 50% by the end of 2009. The other variables are parametrari Euribor, which is a likely value of the humors of the international market and that a month has started to rise again after be precipitated from 5.38 to 1 October 2008, 24% today. It 'basically a rate policy, the ECB, which should be protected from speculation in the markets: the Euribor, in fact, ricominicato a slow climb from mid-May.

To speak first of the ECB's variable rate was the Bank of Italy Governor Mario Draghi, the end of October 2008, the month notorious for overheating in interest rates. "Because of the tensions in the interbank markets and the scarcity of trade," remarked the Governor during the day of savings, "the Euribor not more adequately reflects the costs of collection. Looking forward, it is appropriate that banks use to index variable-rate mortgages parameters more closely related to the actual cost of borrowing. "She had echoed Lorenzo Bini Smaghi, member of the board of the European Central Bank, which was deployed on the positions of Draghi, saying flatly that "the interbank rate is totally out of line and pay the price are the citizens who have their mortgage indexed to Euribor."

investigation for MigliorMutuo OF 2009, ongoing these days, shows a desolate scene: the tests made in branch showed first of all a lack of knowledge of the product by the bank ("I have to ask," "I do not know," was the most frequent response). Secondly, and this is more serious, have not shown a clear willingness to give the product to whoever requests it explicitly. Why? The responses were varied: the sincerest has put his finger on the "convenience" means the ECB rate mortgage is not at all a good deal for the bank, because the rates are too low. But on the contrary a great deal for the customer.

Mutual ECB instead of drive?
For example: if you ask your mortgage ECB today, the departure of Tan is on average (see table below) of 1, 85% (but in fact the actual average is 2%), while the coupled to a variable Euribor is equal to 1, 4% (although the spread of the variable is still climbing, and some banks have already attested to 1, 6%). It means that an ECB loan costs about 25% more. A loan of € 100 thousand in 15 years has a starting rate of € 690 if you require a mortgage of ECB and € 680 if you require a traditional variable. This is because the spread increased to eliminate the advantage of the ECB reference rate (ECB = 1% against 1.24% in the three-month Euribor). Despite this "architectural barriers" raised by the banks, the ECB is mutual beneficial, because it is expected that the rate drops to almost zero share in the coming months, to remain fixed for a period not less than 3 years with the possibility of gradual deviations, "political," aimed at families. In summary, mutual ECB, while variable, might be a valid substitute for fixed, now at a disadvantage compared to the variable by 3 percentage points. Which is really a lot, also calculating short payback periods (5 to 10 years).

only exceptions, BPM and Ing direct: in the first case, the mortgage subsidiary is known, but it is difficult to obtain unless you are a customer for several years. For ING, this is a mortgage online, and the response was fast as always.

Street: http://www.osservatoriofinanziario.it

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

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ECB's variable rate mortgage rates will rebound in 2012, now the Euribor and 'lows

Nuovo minimo storico toccato dall'Euribor. Ma entro il 2012 i tassi torneranno a salire
L’Euribor a tre mesi, ovvero il tasso di riferimento per i prestiti interbancari, ha registrato un nuovo minimo storico, arrivando a quota 0,849%. In discesa anche la scadenza a sei mesi, da 1,111% a 1,107%, mentre la scadenza a una settimana è risalita da 0,342% a 0,345%.

Per i consumatori che hanno aperto un mutuo per la casa basato su tasso variabile, il nuovo minimo storico toccato dall’Euribor is good news, because it is the main reference rate for variable rate mortgages. In other words, more than the Euribor drops also decreases the monthly payment to be paid to pay off the mortgage. This is a trend that lasts at least a decade, but is intended, according to analysts, to reverse. There are many experts and market observers speculate that a future resumption of inflation. Most economists, specifically provides that the three-month Euribor will again rise as the global economy will begin to write the first substantial signs of recovery, perhaps as early as the end of the quarter.

Recall Euribor is taken as the parameter not only for adjustable-rate mortgages, but also for other forms of investment, such as variable-rate bonds, some mutual funds and derivatives contracts. Euribor future will be decisive in going the strategy of the European Central Bank.

waiting to learn the moves of the ECB, the markets show a 3-month Euribor, which will remain unchanged for September, to 0.82% and below 1% even at year end. By the end of 2012, however, the Euribor looks set to pull up and get 3%.

Street: http://www.businessonline.it

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

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suspension of mortgage payments for those on a case - Banco Popular

Banco Popolare (which is part of the Credito Bergamasco) suspend the payment of installments of loans to workers in distress. The aid, intended for example to workers in case integration was made possible thanks to an agreement with the Ministry of Economy: the suspension can be up to 12 months at no cost and with a consequent prolongation of the repayment period.

from the end of last July, are entitled to suspend all subscribers of a loan for the purchase primary residences that have benefited from measures of income support for suspension from work (wage supplementation ordinary or special) or have lost their jobs are employees or are in possession of the requirements for the award of a lump sum of Article 19, paragraph 2.

The applicant should simply go to the door where it maintains its relationship loan, forward the request for suspension: INPS will then provide confirmation to the bank by providing information on its database.

The suspension of mortgage payments is accompanied by a series di altre iniziative: dalla possibilità di rinegoziare la durata o il tipo di mutuo, alla proposta di un pacchetto completo per la portabilità del mutuo.

Via: http://www.ecodibergamo.it/

Monday, August 10, 2009

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portability calculator: Good news for mortgage holders

A circa due anni di distanza dallo scoppio della crisi sui mutui subprime, partita dagli Stati Uniti ed allargatasi poi al resto del mondo, con le conseguenze ancora oggi ben visibili, per i titolari di un mutuo in Italia ci sono notizie positive. Da due giorni sono infatti entrate in vigore le norme sulla portabilità del mortgage (subrogation). The Dl Anti-Crisis (78/2009) Art. 2 provides that banks seeking to lengthen the time for the transfer of the loan at no cost to another financial institution will incur a penalty. With the new rule, if, after a period of 30 days from the request by the new bank to the bank outlet, the mortgage has not yet been transferred, the holder of the loan can claim compensation of 1% of value of mortgage for each month or fraction thereof, of delay. The penalty shall be paid by the bank outlet, which, however, could claim against the new bank if the reasons for the delay were attributable to it.

Since where, over two years ago, came into force on the assignment, such situations have in fact occurred very frequently, so that the Antitrust Authority fined in August 2008, with 23 banks for a total of about 10 miliioni euro. The Administrative Court annulled the penalty, however, and soon the State Council will again give its opinion.

With the introduction of new rules and greater ease of transfer of mortgage from one institution to another, the attention of holders of mortgage from now on will therefore be more focused on the trend of interest rates and conditions offered by various banks, that could lead to savings very significant even after many years after the conclusion of the mortgage.

Street: http://www.viacasa.it/

Saturday, August 8, 2009

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"I pay two mortgages for 14 years and I do not go on vacation." "At the bank to more than half salary" They come up

The mirage of a house I am 36 years old, a biology degree, I live and work in Milan. For years I lived with scholarships and co.co.pro., Supported by parents. Now I've found the famous permanent position but the problems seem to increase. The 'only way to live is rented and shared. I buy a house but with a salary of € 1,300 you can not even aspire to 30 square meters.

Noi "forzati" dell' affitto Tornata dalle vacanze mi sono messa a fare conti e proiezioni sul mio reddito, che è vincolato - a 32 anni - a un contratto precario. I tassi di interesse sono così alti che per comprare un bilocale, prezzo medio 180.000 euro, bisogna restituirne alla banca almeno 35 mila euro in più, con rata mensile di 860 euro al mese, ben oltre la metà del mio stipendio. Trucchi di sopravvivenza Ho un mutuo ventennale a tasso variabile stipulato 4 anni fa. Posso però rinegoziarlo ogni 2 anni. Per cui un piccolo consiglio (psicologico): contro gli aumenti non possiamo far nulla, ma con due calcoli forse si scopre che poteva anche andare peggio. Sacrificarsi come i nonni Ho 37 anni e due mutui sulle spalle: il mio di 1.066 euro su stipendio netto di 2.600, più quello di mia madre vedova.

Ma anziché lamentarmi, mi sono dato da fare per risparmiare (14 anni senza vacanze), e per fare un minimo di carriera, come avrebbe fatto mio nonno. L' appartamento l' ho acquistato in due mesi su internet, senza mediazioni. Il mutuo tramite un broker on line; e la banca me l' ha concesso in 5 giorni consigliandomi il fisso. Il tasso fisso conviene Ho fatto un tasso fisso quando i tassi erano al minimo (2003) e ovviamente conveniva il variabile. Ma davvero qualcuno pensava che i tassi sarebbero rimasti ai minimi per sempre?

Meglio cambiare tasso Ho cambiato mutuo, ne ho sottoscritto uno online a tasso fisso e saldato il vecchio a tasso variabile. Ci sono dei costi ma mi sono messa al sicuro per i prossimi 25 anni. Problema che non ha età Il problema riguarda tutti, non solo giovani e single. Due anni fa la nostra rata di mutuo era di 1.200 euro/mese, ora ha superato i 1.500. Mio marito è rimasto senza lavoro. Non ci resta che venere la casa.

Tutta colpa dell' euro Prima dell' euro le case costavano la metà. Ho un mutuo ma ho acquistato casa quando i prezzi di riferimento erano ancora in lire. Oggi nel mio palazzo vendono gli appartamenti al doppio. Ma gli stipendi non sono raddoppiati. Proprietario in Germania Un anno fa ho deciso di trasferirmi in Germania e adesso, a 29 years, I have a home in the semi-periphery of a large city, I pay a mortgage that allows me to other expenditure on luxuries. And the mother returned to visit her once every two months with a low cost.

Street: www.corriere.it

Friday, August 7, 2009

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requests of mortgage loans in the U.S. Two

According to the index established by the Mortgage Bankers Associacion, United States Weekly mortgage applications rose 4.4%, returning to see a positive sign. The figure shows in particular an increase of 7.2% of applications to refinance a loan already 'in progress.

la Mba il dato e' stato supportato dai tassi in calo sui mutui a tasso fisso, sottolineando come su base annua il totale delle richieste sia in crescita del 18% rispetto alla stessa settimana di un anno prima. Va ricordato che l'indagine della Mba per elaborare l'indice copre circa la meta' di tutte le richieste di mutuo residenziale negli Usa.

Via: http://miaeconomia.leonardo.it/

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

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the same property, possible?

Io e il mio compagna abbiamo visto una casa di due piani e vorremmo comprarla per farci un b&b. L’immobile costa 400.000 €. E 'can take two different loans to 200,000 in two different banks? It 's a thing feasible?

E 'virtually impossible since there tied to the loan' on the ignition of the mortgage on the property. In accordance, in fact, when all of the mortgage loan is made to the bank on the unit 'of the property being financed. The mortgage is a guarantee that protects the bank and is publicly registered real estate to make it public.

So you can 'practice. The board and 'whether there are advantages municipal, provincial or regional small business. They are, in fact, many national laws, and even more 'regional ones, which allow grants, soft loans and tax benefits or contributions to those who want to start a new facility.

Street: http://miaeconomia.leonardo.it

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

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MORTGAGE: support for families of Padua suspended for 12 months installment

provides a protocol between the prefecture , provincial government and banks. This is the first home mortgage discounts and allowances to workers

Residents of the province of Padua, who got a mortgage and to difficulties encountered related to the economic crisis, they have lost income or even employment, or - if employed or quasi-employees - were fired or in a wage supplementation, can now count on the benefits of the memorandum of understanding signed today in the prefecture by the Prefect Michele Lepri galleries, the Provincial President Barbara Degani and 16 banks.

Two support measures:

• the block - for a maximum period of 12 months - for payment of installments amortization of loans for first home in favor of the residents in the province that prove to be in financial difficulty;

• anticipation, by the banks which signed the Protocol of severance pay to workers INPS Redundancy Fund in ordinary or extraordinary, even by way of derogation, suspension, mobility or unemployment, in case of delays to the collection and concessional terms.

The agreement 'crisis' is a result of the work of the Provincial Board for the monitoring of credit established at the prefecture of Padua, to meet the needs related to economic and financial situation land, has set in motion a network of cooperation.

institutions that have joined the Protocol are: Banca Antonveneta (Gruppo Montepaschi), Banca Popolare di Verona, Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto (Gruppo Intesa - San Paolo), Unicredit Banca Veneto Federation of Banks and credit unions .

Street: www.interno.it

Sunday, August 2, 2009

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Mortgage Crisis: Measures on short-term loans and share capital payment calculator mortgage loans

ROME, Aug 1 - Monday should be approved 'by 'Abi and associations of industrialists, merchants and craftsmen for a moratorium on the draft credito. Secondo quanto l'ANSA e' in grado di anticipare, il testo contiene l'allungamento a 270 giorni delle scadenze del credito a breve termine per sostenere le esigenze di cassa'' con riferimento alle ''operazioni di anticipazione su crediti certi ed esigibili'', e la sospensione di 12 mesi del pagamento della quota capitale di rate di mutui e leasing.

Via: www.ansa.it

Saturday, August 1, 2009

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grow in 1st half of 2009. Growth due largely to the replacement operation

Più domande di mutui nel primo semestre dell’ anno, esattamente il 4% a parità di giorni lavorativi. Un dato apparentemente soddisfacente su cui però weigh requests for replacement. Moreover, the decrease of 17% of sales in the first quarter of 2009 leaves little room for 'optimism.

In June, according to data EURISC - CRIF, the demand for household loans was positive for the fifth consecutive month: +8%, for the same days, compared to the same month in 2008. The credit information system EURISC - Crif collects data from more than 70 million lines of credit, the vast majority of lending to the retail market.

Specifically, May and June 2008 were the first few months of consolidation of the negative trend in demand for loans, followed by the collapse of year-end. Since February 2009, the 'reverse trend: the demand for loans, supported by the operations of the renegotiation of existing loans, is back in positive territory. In March, reached the top, +21%, to settle back down to '8% in May and June.

'The end of the tunnel and the return of confidence - says Enrico Lodi, general manager of Credit bureau services Crif - is further reflected in the' analysis of aggregate demand in the first half of 'year the total growth was 4%, to values \u200b\u200bsimilar to those of 2007. "

But how important are the requests for 'buy houses? The 'last dato è relativo al primo trimestre e rappresentavano poco più del 40% del totale, in netto calo rispetto al passato; le sostituzioni, in grande crescita, pesavano per il 30% (dal 25% del trimestre precedente), mentre ristrutturazioni e liquidità incidevano ciascuna per il 15.

“Pur tenendo conto delle rinegoziazione - conclude Lodi - il trend positivo della domanda di nuovi mutui, specie se confrontato con le richieste di prestiti, trova spiegazione nella logica dell’ investimento. Inoltre, nell’ ultimo semestre, ha contribuito il calo dei tassi”.

Infine, nel primo semestre sono calate sia le classi di importo più elevate (oltre i 300 mila euro e tra 150 e 300 mila) sia i mutui superiori ai 25 anni.

Via: www.ilsole24ore.com

Friday, July 31, 2009

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Part transparency the Bank of Italy: mortgages and current accounts become more clear

E' partita l'operazione trasparenza a Palazzo Koch. E dunque ecco arrivare documenti più chiari e semplici su conti correnti e mutui, secondo i nuovi standard fissati dalla Banca d'Italia.

Guide pratiche con ben elencati i diritti dei clienti. Indicatori sintetici dei costi e un riepilogo, inviato ai risparmiatori, di tutte le spese sostenute nell'anno.

There is also the provision of a basic bank account, with certain operations and a fixed default. For all documentation is recommended maximum simplicity of language. Come the new rules of the Bank of Italy to ensure the transparency of banking services to clients: schools must comply within the year.

Street: http://www.finanzaonline.com

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Mortgages: Well

Bergamo - Credito Bergamasco also adheres to the " pact to the House, "the agreement signed on June 12 between the Chamber of Commerce, some trade associations, trade unions, the Bank of Credit and the co-op in Treviglio Banca Popolare di Bergamo. Signed yesterday by the Chamber president, Roberto Sestini, and the Director General of Creberg, George Pope, the agreement with the third largest bank not only provides easier access to credit by private individuals for the purchase, construction, reconstruction expansion of the main residence, but also support to families in need pay their mortgage payments.

of all eligible individuals who have signed contracts with construction companies or property carried at Chamber of Commerce of Bergamo. Creberg are characterizing the offer of the maximum duration of 35 years the rate is fixed or variable, rate of speech no more than 80% (spread from 0.95 to 1.60), the ability to suspend mortgage payments for 12 months, renegotiation and portability. The agreement is valid until 31 December next year. It was also announced a possible involvement of notaries order to establish rates for the acts of buying and selling.

fifty enterprises, 260 thousand customers, 11 billion of loans last year, half of which your loan, "Credito Bergamasco - said the Pope dg - located in the Bergamo a fruitful collaboration between institutions, industry associations to respond to families and businesses affected by the crisis recovery also on the sensitivity of the banking system: we're there. " Reeds also applauded the agreement Bergamo: "You have to bypass the current lack of interest on debt to invest in brick and give an impetus to construction companies", said President Paul Ferretti. "The crisis is behind us - has urged Roberto Sestini - in some areas there are increases in orders. And the revival building is certainly a driving force. "

Street: http://ilgiorno.ilsole24ore.com/

Thursday, July 30, 2009

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aid banks in the mortgage market in June 2009

After a brief hibernation, the market returns to heat the brick. In June, for the fifth straight month, demand for new loans required by Italian households increased 8% over the same month in 2008 alo. And 'what emerges from the usual survey EURISC, the system of credit information Crif that collects data on over 70 million lines of credit (the bulk of lending to the retail market).

certainly has had decisively to increasing demand for loans il ribasso inarrestabile dell’Euribor. Ieri il tasso interbancario a tre mesi, base di riferimento per gran parte dei mutui variabili, si e’ avvicinato alla soglia dello 0,9%, distanziandosi sempre piu’ dal tasso di riferimento della Banca centrale europea fermo da alcuni mesi all’1%. Si tratta dell’ennesimo nuovo minimo storico, un fattore determinante nel rafforzare la disponibilita’ e quindi la fiducia dei mutuatari.

Gli italiani, infatti, forse per l’esigenza di mettere al sicuro i soldi, forse perché con un costo del denaro cosi’ basso non trovano piu’ convenienza investire in titolo di Stato, fatto sta che sono tornati a chiedere soldi in prestito to buy or build a house from scratch.
Furthermore, it is also 'factor analyzed the "renegotiation". Surely a negligible share of new mortgages signed and 'in fact due to the possibility' that the borrowers to renegotiate the old contracts, replacing them with more solutions' flexible and less costly, since the fall in the Euribor 3 months. But the boom of the renegotiation - explains Crif anyway - and 'already' past and dates back to March when the new applications have surged as much as 21% and up to February, the figure was still negative.

The comparison between the first half of 2009 and the same period of 2008 e’ comunque eloquente, evidenziando un calo delle classi di importo piu’ elevate (oltre i 300mila euro e tra 150 e 300mila euro) a fronte della crescita della classe di importo fino a 75mila euro, che sale da una quota del 20,5% al 22,1.

Si segnala, inoltre, il significativo calo di quelli superiori ai 25 anni (dal 41% del primo semestre 2008 al 34% del primo semestre 2009), pur continuando a rimanere la classe maggiormente preferita dalle famiglie italiane. Le preferenze si sono poi concentrate rispettivamente sui mutui di durata fino a 15 anni (27% del totale) seguiti da quelli tra i 15 e 20 anni (22%) e da quelli tra i 20 e i 25 anni (16%).

Meanwhile, there's good news for the families of Liguria. The Region has allocated € 5 million to finance the purchase of your first house of 500 nuclei. This is a contribution of 10 000 € to those who buy (or bought) home in 2009.

In particular, where 'access to finance and who' lives or works in one of the municipalities concerned and Isee (relative to household income) not exceeding 30 000 euro. In the ranking, have priority young people (under 30 years) and newly formed (or who have received the same registered address as not more 'than two years) or about to be married, single people with dependent children and households with more 'of tre figli.

Per aver diritto al finanziamento, la casa acquistata deve costare non piu’ di 250 mila euro e deve necessitare di interventi di manutenzione. Se l’immobile e’ nuovo, deve essere invece acquistato da un’impresa di costruzione o attraverso una cooperativa.
Gli interessati possono fare richiesta al Comune capofila (l’elenco e la suddivisione in 16 zone e’ riportata nel bando) entro mercoledi’ 30 settembre.

Via: http://miaeconomia.leonardo.it

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

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Mortgages: continuing demand growth in 2009

Cresce per il quinto mese consecutivo la domanda di mutui richiesti dalle famiglie italiane. A giugno 2009 si è registrato un incremento dell'8% su base annua a parità di giorni lavorativi, rispetto allo stesso mese del 2008. È quanto emerge dalla consueta indagine di Eurisc, il sistema di informazioni creditizie di Crif che raccoglie i dati relativi ad oltre 70 milioni di linee di credito (la gran parte dei finanziamenti erogati al mercato retail).

Nello specifico, maggio e giugno dello scorso anno furono i primi mesi di consolidamento del trend negativo della domanda di mutui (rispetto al pari periodo dell'anno precedente) che si è poi concretizzato nella forte contrazione di fine 2008 and January 2009. Since February of this year, however, demand for loans, supported by rescheduling operations, has returned to a positive index, which peaked in March (+21%) to settle back down just below the double digit growth in the months of May and June 2009 (8% both months).

"The end of the tunnel and the return of confidence - says Enrico Lodi, general manager of Credit Bureau Services Crif - is further borne out by aggregate demand in the first half of the year in which growth is was a total of 4% over the first half of 2008, reaching values \u200b\u200bsimilar to those of 2007. " Renegotiation of existing loans and the sharp fall in interest rates that have hit historic lows for several years now (Euribor 3 months to end June was just over 1%).

The comparison between the first half of 2009 and the same period of 2008 shows a decrease in the amount of the higher classes (over 300 thousand and € 150 to € 300 thousand) in the face of growing class of up to 75 thousand euro, rising from a share of 20.5% to 22.1.
It is also noted the significant decline in those above 25 years (from 41% in the first half of 2008 to 34% in the first half of 2009), but remains the most preferred class Italian families. The preferences are then concentrate rispettivamente sui mutui di durata fino a 15 anni (27% del totale) seguiti da quelli tra i 15 e 20 anni (22%) e da quelli tra i 20 e i 25 anni (16%).

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

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The mortgage payment: pay the Italian families with less difficulty

Negli ultimi sei mesi in Italia è diminuita in termini percentuali la quota di famiglie che ha difficoltà a pagare le rate del mutuo. Il dato, in particolare, emerge da un’indagine Censis-Confcommercio sui debiti delle famiglie; nel dettaglio, la percentuale è scesa nel periodo dal 44,1% di gennaio 38.1% in June 2009.

virtually unchanged and equal to about 17%, however, is the proportion of those who has an ongoing installment payments for a mortgage, the decline of families in difficulty with paying the mortgage, therefore, reflects expectations to improve the economic situation of households compared to the difficulties of recent months, but clearly need further stabilization and improvement, including the employment front, in order to return to Italy in pre-crisis levels.
Meanwhile, the CRIF, a confirmation of how things are improving, today announced that, for the fifth straight month, demand for loans by Italian families stood on the rise, in particular, last June the increase was 8%.
The top growth at the time this year, has been touched in March this year thanks to the renegotiation of mortgages on first homes for residential use, while for the last month has seen a decline in demand for loans for high amounts for the benefit of sustained growth, however, for those up to the threshold of 75 000 €.

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Mortgages and loans: the decline in household debt

In Italia l’indebitamento delle famiglie è in calo. A rilevarlo è un ultimissimo Rapporto a cura di Censis-Confcommercio, ma il miglioramento della situazione debitoria degli italiani, secondo la Federconsumatori, non è dovuto al fatto che le famiglie siano diventate più parsimoniose o più previdenti.

L’Associazione, infatti, rileva come il calo dell’indebitamento sia la risultante della contrazione dei consumi, a partire dall’acquisto di beni durevoli come le auto che, di norma, vengono acquistate attraverso la stipula di finanziamenti. Ne consegue, secondo le stime dell’Osservatorio della Federconsumatori, che di questo passo i consumi in Italia nel 2009 registreranno una contrazione del 3% circa con minori acquisti pari a ben 20 miliardi di euro.
In che modo, quindi, ribaltare tale situazione? Ebbene, secondo l’Associazione occorre spezzare la catena che dal crollo dei consumi porta alla contrazione del PIL ed al contestuale aumento dei disoccupati e dei lavoratori in cassa integrazione con pesanti ricadute sulle condizioni di vita delle famiglie.
Serve in particolare una forte detassazione a vantaggio dei lavoratori che percepiscono uno stipendio fisso, ma anche assegni di sostegno al reddito a favore dei senza lavoro e di chi ha un lavoro con un contratto precario; quest’ultima categoria, tra l’altro, è quella che negli ultimi mesi ha pagato più di tutti il prezzo della crisi trovandosi dalla sera al mattino senza un posto di lavoro.

Monday, July 27, 2009

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Mortgages: The surrogate gives strength to the customer

La banca «fannullona», quella che cercherà di ostacolare il trasferimento del mutuo a un nuovo istituto, dovrà pagare una penalità dell’1% al cliente. Questa, in sintesi, la nuova norma contenuta nel decreto anticrisi appena approvato alla Camera. A Anedda Roberto, vice president of MutuiOnline - The website that compares offers banking mortgages - we ask: is a step towards a better relationship bank-saver and a push for greater functionality of the system?

"It's definitely a good thing. Confirmation and gives effect to the principle of subrogation. The penalty is an additional instrument to which the customer may also take into account the conclusion of the contract. It makes it somewhat stronger. "

Today some banks may tend to procrastinate to retain the customer ...
"The customer keeps it in another way: Offers convenient and better service. "
The new standard, it is not amended in the Senate, provides that the process of substitution must be started within 30 days

"The text in fact is a bit 'generic, and this is a weakness . Thirty days to perfect the subrogation are not many: it is a complex operation, with the artists various parts and each of them might have some responsibility for delays. The penalty will be paid by the old bank, but this in turn could seek if there is basis, the new bank, or notary, or the public offices that have been slow ...».

La penalità la incassa il cliente?
«Sì, e anche questo è un elemento delicato. Anche il cliente - per il quale la surroga è completamente gratuita, poiché le spese, anche notarili, sono a carico della banca nuova - è parte nel processo di surroga, perché, per esempio, a certi atti deve essere presente. Non si deve poter pensare che lo stesso cliente trovi il modo di ritardare - non presentandosi, non facendosi trovare - per incassare la penalità; che è dell’1% per ogni mese o frazione di mese...».
Che ci siano stati ritardi delle banche, in molti casi, è fuori di dubbio.
«Sì, e alcuni sono stati anche sanctioned by the Antitrust Authority. However, the text could be more flexible: it could mean for instance that the expiration of 30 days becomes important and may be challenged only if it recognizes the intent or guilt. So instead it seems that everything in the office. And this brings another element of doubt. "
"The decree does not say who should enforce the rule. How does a customer who feels the victim of delay in asserting their rights? Advocate must go? And who pays the legal fees? And who decides? There is no indication of an authority to determine whether there is responsibility and to whom it belongs. "

The customer can substitute the bank many times as you want?
"Theoretically, yes. But if he does a year and a year is not difficult to find then that gives him a straight. "