Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Praia a Mare ...... Ratings

The closure of the 'Dino Island, the closure of Marlane , a sanctuary ever begin the conversion 's Hospital, .... this and ' the death of a country, which occurs when for one reason or another, those who do not love him selflessly working to save it.

Monday, December 20, 2010

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save a country from the PSC of an Architect of Praia

Failing to do so for the dock could become effective upon approval of the PSC, only a continuous slab of concrete in the area Marlane.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

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targeted choices??

Just to do but parochialism ' must ask ourselves where to go and ask to finish citizens Alto Tirreno Cosentino, ( territory that goes from a Aieta Orsomarso Verbicaro almost 20 municipalities) to heal, when already 'today ' s Hospital of Praia in all its departments and 'saturated? other hospitals able to cover all these places bed?

Monday, November 15, 2010

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re-evaluate the findings (forgotten) preserved at the museum and arranged to give a trench excavation

A series of excavations and studies conducted in 1960 by the Italian Institute of Human Paleontology, University of Rome have revealed a stratigraphic sequence that goes from the upper Paleolithic era to the late Roman Age .................... ..... Unfortunately, as my friend says Salvatore Pepe ... ... ... ... excavations in the archaeological site of global importance, have "concluded" in 2005 ... and the results published in the book "a Praia Sea-Archaeological Guide "by V. Tine (where he contributed to the draft). Since then, all is quiet ... too bad

Sunday, November 14, 2010

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Sunday, November 7, 2010

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

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The Marlane has given wealth and employment ........... only now we would like to know if Praiesi citizens in the area before you plant and 'really the presence of toxic waste resulting from the processing cycle of the activity' fabric.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

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Si sente spesso parlare di come si possono ottenere dei prestiti a condizioni vantaggiose, ma molto più raramente si sente invece parlare di come si possono estinguere i prestiti. L’estinzione anticipata dei prestiti infatti è certamente più rara della richiesta di erogazione dei prestiti, ma è comunque una strada percorribile che possiede una procedura propria e ben codificata.
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counting extinct and therefore a real certificate, and to release the same institution that gave us the loan. The certificate of discontinuance
count are then also given all the information to perform effectively the early repayment of its debts, or the banking institution that issued it and the purpose of bonifico, oltre che ovviamente la somma totale da versare.
Il conteggio per accedere all’estinzione anticipata dei prestiti ha una validità limitata nel tempo, in quanto l’importo è strettamente legato al giorno di calcolo del conteggio stesso. Per questo motivo, nel certificato di conteggio estintivo viene riportata anche la data massima entro la quale si potrà portare a termine l’estinzione anticipata dei prestiti che abbiamo in corso. Successivamente a quella data, il conteggio non ha più valore e l’estinzione anticipata necessiterà di un nuovo conteggio estintivo, alla luce del quale verranno dettate altre condizioni per arrivare alla stessa estinzione anticipata.
Percorrere la strada dell’estinzione advance loans is certainly a case to be considered as it involves the saving of interest not yet due. In contrast, however, those savings should be balanced with the penalty of early termination to which we can add any commission fees.
to complete the practice of early repayment of its debt, in the case of loans through the fifth assignment or delegation loans, it is necessary that the credit institution that issued the loan itself - which is also the same as made the count extinct - in an official notifies the employer of the applicant that the debt has been settled and therefore should not be made further deductions on salary. In this way, the employer will from the month following notification to the applicant to pay the full amount of their salary.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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Intervento del Capogruppo di Massa Comune: Alessandro Tassoni.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Council, Friends of the democratic masses,

I became leader of the civic movement Massa City only a few days ago, a project which I strongly believe, a project that seeks to enclose inside the professionalism, competence and the will of all people who love where they live.

Reading Your remarks appeared in the press lately about of the two outgoing directors, and Iozzo Mazzocco, makes me smile to hear you say that on some occasions, with them, they would lose the possibility of some collaboration absolutely never known, and the expression of components of the left, when other hand, as until a few days ago, be vested in them the expression of the "worst racist and right Northern League, improperly using such adjectives as offensive weapons. I should like to remind you that, as an expression of the "left" you are talking about today, that expression of the "worst right" that you always talked about, the two gentlemen were Iozzo and Mazzocco, respectively, our candidate for mayor and candidate for deputy mayor. Considering this, do not believe there is a strong contradiction in your words?

Beyond that, I would immediately dispel any doubts you may have absolutely clear that we do not go hand in hand with anyone, but we share many points with the PDL and other local issues facing our country. This was made possible thanks to the fact that, calmly, that political education has abandoned any preconceived ideas, too political, just in the public interest and what we see united in wanting the best for our city. As, indeed, has already made some friends from the same area your policy, supporters Italia dei Valori, Rifondazione Comunista, the Greens, the same accident, Freedom and Ecology and also the ex-DS, which has not made a scruple to sit around a table alongside the supporters, as you call them, of right, but they seemed not so extreme, and with whom they have known and essentially wanted to speak, proposing, and even accepting their proposals.

What I want you to understand is that, locally, in a small company like ours, there can be no political ideologies closed, dense, stagnant or sticky, but, mind open to everything, and we should, first of all each we learn to look and assess people for who they are and not for the flag that is sewn on them. Massa Marittima is in fact composed of not just one, but many colors and sounds, which, blended together, can create the most appropriate instrument to reshape the future of our city.

Finally I'd like to be able to remember that Berlusconi has never been in Massa Marittima, and probably will not even know where it is located geographically. And 'so the time to stop download abstract fault or responsibility, but mainly due to inefficiency or inability to someone, often well known, and ask you to focus on what happens or does not happen here, well where other politicians have set failures, or even the incredible true emergency for the area, for our City and citizens administered by them.

So instead of worrying of the alternation of directors of Common Ground and the reasons for "hidden" which might have arisen, it would be the case that your political party, which moreover has to be able to manage well in the city of Massa, did know when he plans to convene a public meeting, open to all and maybe not only to representatives of members, to explain, for example, which and how many public works should be blocked because the first payment of € 500,000 on the arbitration award with the Pizzarotti? But above all, that made it known to their fellow citizens when he intends to identify the actual charge or if you would continue to play the blame game? "


Alessandro Tassoni

Monday, October 4, 2010

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'responsibilities and financial costs attributable to a few must not and can not be reversed on the community. "So the leader of the PDL of John Massa Marittima Favilli debt in the City Pizzarotti against the company in light of the report of Charles Cagnani financial services manager for whom "in the absence of any alienation of assets or communication by Pizzarotti to further delay the payment, it is necessary to cut in all projects currently funded with infrastructure costs, allocate resources such shares (including the 'surplus of Directors amounted to € 78,807.39) to finance the debt off-balance rate for 2010 of € 700,000. " The statement informed the mayor that the payment of the fee of 500,000 euro scheduled for June 30 has further alarmed - said Favilli - because, at this point, even a possible extension of the debt of € 200,000 set for Sept. 30 to significantly alter the state of affairs. For this reason in the face of the threat of blocking direct investment in the development of our dysfunctional economy and the welfare of the inhabitants, I believe there can be no other response than the transparency of the objectives and unity of purpose. To do this, ask to be involved with all citizens in the process of cut in the projects, relying of course the ongoing investigation by the Court of Auditors, whose verdict will be for us the final and indisputable opinion on any personal responsibility. "

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La vicenda Pizzarotti in Parlamento Grimoldi chiama in causa Alfano

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Massa Marittima
The controversy Leaguers HONOURABLE MINISTER LAYS a question to the affair Grimoldi Pizzarotti in Parliament summons Alfano

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the story of the payment of 1 million 200 thousand euro compensation to the company Pizzarotti for disputes that arise during the construction of the district prison in Camilletta location is enhanced by a dramatic new chapter. Abandoned the narrow rooms of the board room where Mass was also discussed at length at the last Council, arrived in the most spacious of the Parliament. In fact, Mr Paul Grima Northern League has submitted a response to written to the Minister for Justice Angelino Alfano to verify whether the Ministry of Via Arenula both full knowledge of all aspects of the story, including the opening of a dossier by the Regional Prosecutor of the Court of Auditors, which asked the mining community names and personal details of the designer, project manager and members of the Board and City Council who approved the project and the expertise of variation in November 1991, perhaps in anticipation of the investigation of possible personal liability.

Grima, as well as to reconstruct in detail the story raises serious doubts about the legitimacy of the request for full reimbursement submitted to the government from the town of Massa as the law of 1991 raised for the return of money already paid or payable "does not seem to adapt to this situation in which the local authority, which has carried out the duties of the contracting authority on behalf of the Ministry, seems not to have carried out their duties properly control the acts prior to the procedure for the award of work, preliminary design, and final work, technical expertise, tender documents, even in the hands of outsiders. " In light of the news regarding the opening of a dossier by the Court of Auditors, the prison chapter of Camilletta is enriched by new features in addition to those reported to be possible until the payment by the municipality in favor of Pizzarotti amount decreed by the Court of Appeal of Rome.

So far, remember, had paid the first installment of € 500 thousand, which expired on 30 June. The other two remain standing, one of the other 200 thousand € 459 463 respectively, with maturities of 30 September and 31 January next year.

Friday, October 1, 2010

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Pizzarotti: dire tutto in un niente! Abilità...

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Massa Marittima PIZZAROTTI IF THE MAYOR EXPLAINS DEVELOPMENTS "We have the resources to find the money"

Even with a shift of a couple of months was paid the first installment of half a million of the total debt of € 1,159,463 € that the town of Massa Marittima is Pizzarotti Undertaking for the construction of the penitentiary Camilletta, as the Court of Appeal of Rome. We spoke with the Mayor Lydia Bai.

What remains to be done now?

"At this point remains to be paid two installments, one from the other 200 thousand to € 459,463 which expire on 30 September and 31 January next year."

you planning any action?

"For our part, we still asked the Ministry of Justice, as the owner of the detention facility, the repayment of the full amount with the addition of € 12 thousand in legal fees incurred by us."

With what results?

"Still we are waiting for an answer, which we promptly avoided."

If this attempt should go blank, as you seek to have the cash?

"Certainly selling that part of that heritage the City has to be used for building purposes. "

It did not seem so easy.

"There are difficulties because so far all auctions have been deserted."

And if it should continue like this?

'If the expected sales did not have to be successful within the current year we would be forced to use all resources at their disposal to meet their payment obligations in respect of Pizzarotti.

on what resources plan to rely?

"The costs of urbanization, the surplus of Directors 2009 and other sources of capital."

OTHERWISE at worst, in the absence of alienation of assets or other extended payment arrangements agreed with the Pizzarotti, you will need cut in all projects currently funded with infrastructure costs by allocating those resources , including 78 thousand euro in 2009 administration of the surplus to finance off-balance sheet debt related to the two installments to be paid by the end of the year.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

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Favilli sui bilanci delle aziende "Amatur e Falusi danno i numeri"

Favilli on corporate balance sheets "Amaturo Falusi damage and the numbers"

Massa Marittima - "substantial losses to the financial statements of Amaturo and Falusi. John Favilla, leader of the People of Liberty City Council has addressed the situation of two companies engaged in tourism promotion and support of dependents. The Council's attention focused on the accounts. "The 2009 budget - said the Opposition Councillor - dell'Amatur closed with a loss of nearly € 33 thousand, more than one third of the capital loss that casts doubt on the going concern basis. The Board would have drawn up a balance sheet and an explanatory report and then immediately call a special meeting to clarify the matter. Instead it was presented to members with considerable delay an ordinary, simple and superficial notes. "And not only that. The loss was Falusi institution instead of € 86mila." Even in this case - continues Favilli in his speech - it was administrative body to highlight the situation and submit a plan to overcome. But none of this can be seen from the notes that, in my opinion, fails to propose interesting solutions and fully justified. "The claim is that the PDL Amaturo puts its members in a position to take appropriate action and that the board del Falusi fornisca chiarimenti sulle varie anomalie giustificando meglio i dati del bilancio e le prospettive gestionali dell'azienda. chi.cal.

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La minoranza si sveglia e attacca il Pd I nuovi consiglieri di Massa Comune infiammano il Consiglio Comunale

Massa Marittima La minoranza si sveglia e attacca il Pd I nuovi consiglieri di Massa Comune infiammano il Consiglio Comunale


«FUOCHI D’ARTIFICIO» al consiglio comunale sparati senza soluzione di continuità da una minoranza che si è svegliata dal torpore delle sedute precedenti forse anche in coincidenza con l’arrivo dei due nuovi consiglieri di Massa Comune Federico Montomoli e Gennaro Orizzonte che hanno sostituito i dimissionari Mazzocco e Iozzi. E’ stato proprio Montomoli, dopo un inizio soft seating in which the Mayor Lydia Bai commemorated the recently deceased former mayor Renato Bolognini and to Pollica Angelo Vassallo brutally killed by two assassins, to light the fuse directing words of fire against the Democratic Party guilty of the list apostofato Civic with epithets' heavy offensive, strangely in complete silence of the Democratic Party leader Richard Rapezzi even directly called into question several times. A very noble - Montomoli said - and unfair as they are not fired on the group to identify the real objectives. We are not hypocrites, nor any, or uncivilized, as you have said several times, but we represent those who do not recognize the way you manage and will do it for the good of the city. " Without this background it was logical and predictable opening a deep impression during the long meeting between majority and minorities on the most important topics under consideration. Confirmation, if I were needed, expressed by the minority by voting against the budget changes to the full. " Always Montomoli, "noting the lack of a policy that allows the recognition of the state of implementation of programs," he questioned the expenditure for national holidays, for sharing with the transport service for young people in a nightclub, those for the project 's water of the mayor, considered anachronistic increase of three thousand euro for administrators when it still does not accept the conduct of council meetings on Saturday and excessive € 10 thousand provided for assignments to external professionals. On the same wavelength is also the leader of the People of Freedom John Favilli Pizzarotti on the matter, "which projects - asked Favilli - should be cut in order to pay the debt?", And the work that the municipal slaughterhouse, only to provide a real disaster financial burden for municipal coffers. For its part, the mayor pointed out the obstacles to be overcome from compliance with the Stability Pact to the credit of nearly a half million euro claimed by the Ministry of Industry for the work done by former mining sites Niccioleta. Infine riguardo alla vicenda Pizzarotti la prima rata di mezzo milione è stata pagata in attesa che il Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, fra l’altro proprietario e gestore del Carcere, si esprima sulla richiesta di accollarsi l’intero debito sancito dalla sentenza della Corte d’Appello di Roma

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

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La protesta delle opposizioni

Massa Marittima 27/09/2010

I sottoscritti capogruppo Giovanni Favilli ed Alessandro Tassoni, convocati in data odierna 27.09.2010 per i lavori della Prima Commissione Consiliare, sulla revisione Statuto e regolamenti, per l’ approvazione del protocollo d’ intesa con la Parrocchia di S.Pietro all’Orto, per l’ uso del chiostro di S.Agostino, ritengono doveroso svolgere the following considerations:

1. That the City Council and 'was convened for the day September 29, 2010, that the' last City Council was' done on 06.28.2010 and the former had been called on 02/29/2010 , with a frequency of 1 then the Council every three to four months.
2. That the commissions do not suffer much better fate.
3. That the City Council meetings are no longer 'recorded on magnetic tape
4. That the City Council refuses to pass on these public sessions over the Internet
5. That the Urban and 'been changed to move la discussione delle interrogazioni ed interpellanze da primo ad ultimo argomento, quando normalmente la sala del Consiglio e’ priva di spettatori.

1. Che, per quanto attiene la nostra conoscenza, in nessun Comune d’ Italia sono presenti condizioni del         tipo illustrato nel precedente paragrafo
2. Che la commissione che indaga sull’ operato dell’ Amatur non e’ stata piu’ convocata dal giorno   16/06/2010 e che da questa convocazione erano attese risposte urgenti ed indifferibili.
3. Che la maggioranza dovrebbe convene the committee to discuss with the opposition of other problems and democratically search on them a unity 'operation and intent in the' public interest (see panzarotti payments, parking in the Cathedral Area Molendi ex-, ex- -Agriculture, Budget Amaturo, chronic inability 'to recover the claims certified by the auditor of the budget, municipal budget, etc.).


The obvious intention of 'City Council not to speak and did not want to hear about this and that' burning the proposals and ideas of the opposition, effectively isolating the political debate for almost 50% of opposition to those citizens who have entrusted their vote and their representativeness', in contrast to the rather blatantly proclaimed several times by the same majority in the newspapers.

DECIDED to leave the room so the committee as a form of protest against a situation they felt more 'sustainable and to entrust this joint statement to the press must' also become part and parcel of the Minutes of the Board.

John Favilli ; Alessandro Tassoni

Friday, September 24, 2010

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WEDNESDAY '29 September 2010 at 9.30

Subrogation directors resigned
approve minutes from previous sittings
Ratification of budget variation n.1
budgetary changes n.2
Preservation budget balances
New Incorporation CO.S.EC.A. Spa - Changes and approval
regulatory approval Accounting Institute Falusi
Amendments to the Regulations of the tax on the disposal of municipal solid waste
Approved Memorandum of Understanding with the Parish of St. Peter Orto for the use of the Cloister of St. Augustine
Identification of portions of land and the fraction methane - details
Permit to build planning instruments notwithstanding, art.14 DPR Construction 380/2001- Restructuring municipal slaughterhouse
Civic List - Question for oral answer on failure to give attendees prot.n.12642/09.09.2010
Civic List - Question for oral answer on the matter Pizzarotti - prot.n.12781/14.09.2010
The People Freedom - on budget Interpellation prot.n.10973/03.08.2010 Institute Falusi
The People of Freedom - Interpellation prot.n.11298/10.08.2010 on activities Amaturo
The People of Freedom - Interpellanza prot.n.12543/07.09.2010 su richiesta istituzione Consiglio di frazione
Comunicazioni del Sindaco

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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La replica dell'on.Parisi alla diffamazione di Rossi.

" Noi siamo governati da un noto puttaniere che si chiama Berlusconi. Lo ha detto Enrico Rossi,presidente della regione Toscana."

''Rossi dovrebbe chiedere scusa, non solo per quello che ha detto, ma soprattutto per quello che non ha fatto per la Toscana''. Cosi' il coordinatore del Popolo della Liberta' Toscana Massimo Parisi ha replicato alle dichiarazioni su Silvio Berlusconi rilasciate ieri dal presidente della Regione Toscana Enrico Rossi. ''Pur di distogliere l'attenzione dal fallimento dei primi mesi di governo della Regione - ha aggiunto - il presidente della Regione si e' lasciato andare ad offese nei confronti degli italiani tutti e del presidente del Consiglio. Non si tratta di una mera caduta di stile, ma di un'involontaria ammissione dell'incapacita' della sua Giunta. Le promesse non mantenute, gli imbarazzi per la questione legata ai fondi europei, l'abuso di consulenze esterne sono motivi di irritazione per il presidente Rossi''. ''Evidentemente - ha aggiunto Parisi - la pressione che il gruppo regionale del PdL sta esercitando sulla Giunta sta mettendo alla dura prova i suoi nervi. A cio' si aggiungano le tensioni interne al Partito democratico e la sua rivalita' con Matteo Renzi. L'attenzione da parte dei media that the mayor of Florence is gaining pushed Rossi to raise the tone of the debate, in a misguided attempt to carve out a scrap of visibility 'at the national level.'' Instead of letting go''vulgar and offensive to all Italians and Berlusconi - said Parisi - President Rossi should start worrying of the unstoppable decline of Tuscany, of which he, at the top of the administrative machinery of regional over a decade, and 'direct responsibility.''

Friday, September 17, 2010

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Massa Marittima II goes to the center: "The authorities shall avoid, to find a remedy" "The school è un problema dal 2001" Il Pdl sulla situazione di Tatti: "La colpa è del sindaco Bai

MASSA MARITTIMA - "La colpa della situazione attuale a Tatti è da attribuirsi palesemente all'amministrazione Bai". Così Maurizio Russo, coordinatore del Pdl, ritorna sulla vicenda che ha portato molte mamme della piccola frazione di Massa Marittima a protestare apertamente per la mancanza di un servizio di scuolabus. Per spiegare il proprio punto di vista e avvalorare le sue tesi, Russo volge lo sguardo al passato e racconta la storia simile accaduta per Prata. "Nel 2001 padri e madri di bambini delle scuole materne ed elementari di Prata, chiesero all'allora sindaco di Massa Marittima, Luca Sani, di mettere a disposizione della frazione a school bus, to avoid transportation in a bus. Then as now, the response of the municipal administration was negative. "Prata's parents, however, did not lose heart and challenge the City of Montieri headed by Russo, independent and not aligned to the left of the city's Administration crossbow, receiving a favorable response to school bus transport to the nearby school Boccheggiano. "After a few weeks - continues the story Maurizio Russo - Mayor Sani, worried about the flight to the small mining village school, he tried to remedy by prohibiting the school montierino crossing the municipal boundaries, forcing mothers to organize with pratigiane own and to accompany their children just outside the border where he was ready to receive the longed-van "illegal. Of course, only when he was elected in the town of his friend Marcello Montieri Giuntini, stronger political sympathies Massetani cousins, was granted permission to Prata enter into with the school and reduce the inconvenience to children and families. " The situation that occurred at Tatti, according to the PDL, is therefore guilty not only of past administrations but also current. "If ilcomune of Massa Marittima is a liquidity crisis, it is uncertain due to cuts in government or in neighboring towns, but only at the technical administrative errors (c Pizzarotti Pep.) That led to significant debts. When we talk about children - and then concludes Russian - if we want, we can always find a solution, even in the face of arrogance and irresponsibility of a few professional politicians who do not understand that living in small businesses, remote from large numbers it is not a habit but a sacred right. "Chiara Calcagno

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

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Monday, September 13, 2010

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Not necessarily once received a personal loan thanks to sale of the fifth salary is bound to settle its debt in installments through the plan attached to the contract.

If the beneficiary decides to fulfill the commitment made in one payment this is possible, but before doing so, you must request and obtain the count discontinuance of its funding.

counting discontinuance of a loan is simply a document that shows the number of outstanding discounted rate of interest not yet due.
We simplify things: the applicant in this document will set out the amount that remains to be paid less interest that would be due if you had followed the plan of the installments for the duration of the loan.

Under TAN, reported in the count extinct, is the rate of interest applied. Obviously the higher the value the greater the amount that will be discounted from the remaining balance.

Warning However, if there was a clause in the contract relating to a penalty provided for in the event of early repayment will be applied to the amount of money being returned, the majority. Usually the value of this penalty never exceeds 1% then, assuming that the applicant remains a balance of € 10,000.00 this penalty will amount to € 100.00.

addition to the early repayment clause is possible that the contract regarding the possible early repayment of the loan are fixed more minor expenses such as, for example, the annotations of the interest on the capital daily. On the basis of a relationship of transparency between financial advisor and beneficiary, all these piccoli costi possono essere rilevati analizzando la copia del contratto di prestito tramite cessione del quinto.

Inoltre, leggendo il proprio conteggio estintivo, sarà possibile informarsi sulla data ultima entro la quale è possibile estinguere la propria cessione del quinto e ottenere tutte le indicazioni riguardo le modalità di pagamento.

Nel momento in cui l’ente erogante entrerà in possesso del saldo contante verrà inviata al datore di lavoro del beneficiario una liberatoria che attesta l’effettiva estinzione del debito. In tal modo l’interessato tornerà a percepire il proprio stipendio completo, libero da trattenute per cessione del quinto.

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Delve into reality 'OPERA

's administration of our city' bases its political controversy on two pillars: The first

ideas necessary to solve the problems created by 60 years to come must come from the left 'opposition. A contradiction in terms, as a function of cheapens the plethora of brains and chairs available the majority. But for this purpose it should be noted that all the opposition, without distinction, have submitted ideas and programs that the 'current majority refuses to discuss virtually debasing activity' of the commissions and councils, with the tactic, never seen before , non-call, putting the "sine die", the instrumental modification of the regulations (discussed questions in as the last argument), etc ... The second

The lack of resources' attributed to the "cuts" of the government. At this point I have spoken more 'times and are always ready to list in detail the real reasons for this lack, summarized in gravi responsabilita’ dell’ amministrazione sotto forma di crediti non riscossi certificati dai revisori dei conti, spese correnti enormemente superiori alle spese in conto capitale, errori da risarcire a spese dei cittadini tipo Pinzarotti, vertenza zona industriale, parcheggio sotto il duomo ecc…

L’ abbattimento indiscriminato degli olmi di Valpiana e’ un piccolo esempio che fornisce l’ evidenza del quadro operativo di un’ Amministrazione che da un lato predica l’ ambientalismo e dall’ altro distrugge risorse centenarie senza alcun motivo apparente. Questa la situazione, mentre l’ assessore Michelini sembra impegnato in altre piu’ urgenti questioni ed il sindaco difende intransigentemente il proprio diritto al parcheggio in zone vietate ai comuni mortali.

                                                                                                                       John Favilli

Thursday, September 9, 2010

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managerial determination n.333 of 5 May 2010, entitled "OPERA IN THE PIAZZA XXIV EDITION - FINAL APPROVAL

For the performances of the days 3, 4, 5 and 6 August 2009 : "Il Trovatore" and "Rigoletto."
balanced budget. Revenue 419,329 Euro. Outputs 419,329 Euro.
  • Proceeds from the box office: 95141 Euro;
  • revenues from sponsorships: 25,630 Euro;
  • donations from individuals: 50,000 Euro;
  • joint contribution: 124,258 Euro ;
  • Province Contribution: Euro 15,400;
  • Region Contribution: Euro 20,900;
  • ministerial Subsidy: 85 000 Euro
  • Orchestra: 84 million Euro;
  • Chorus: 58.000 Euro;
  • Companies song: 31,783 Euro;
  • Orchestra Directors: Euro 5060;
  • Masters employees: 3,690 Euro;
  • machinists, toolmakers, electricians Euro 8350;
  • figures, mimes, staff room and stage: 5436, 7 Euro;
  • Administrative Staff: 39370.82 Euro ;
  • investment expenses:
- scene: 15,000 Euro;
- costumi: 9.000 Euro;
-       attrezzeria, calzature: 3.500 Euro;
-       materiale costruzione ed elettrico: 10.232 Euro
  • Spese generali della struttura tecnico-organizzativa
-       spese postali, utenze, cancelleria: 7.781,61 Euro ;
-       tight and clean theater: 7897.01 Euro;
- transport and porterage: 5514.76 Euro;
- ; advertising: 21,028.7 Euro;
- editing and printing theater programs and posters: 12,072 Euro ;
- travel: Euro 8310;
- social (living artists and journalists, ticketing, insurance): 28,694 Euro

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Verniani: "There is no dialogue between citizens, businesses and local institutions' THREATS TO THE MAYOR

Verniana (PDL) CRITICAL APPLICATION municipal statute 'is lacking a dialogue between citizens, businesses and local institutions' # Gianfranco PROPERTY

"The municipality of Massa Marittima ensure the effective participation of all citizens in the political and administrative recognition che il presupposto della partecipazione è l’informazione sui programmi, sulle decisioni e sui provvedimenti comunali da realizzare attraverso mezzi e strumenti idonei». Questo è quanto prevede il vigente Statuto del Comune a proposito della partecipazione dei cittadini all’attività delle istituzioni locali. «Un diritto che però nel Comune minerario, afferma il vice coordinatore del Pdl di Massa Marittima, Cristian Verniani, sembra essere rimasto totalmente sulla carta nonostante gli impegni contenuti nei programmi elettorali della coalizione di «Massa Democratica» sia del 2004 che del 2009 nei quali si assicurava uno stile di governo improntato al dialogo.

«UN DIALOGO che — aggiunge Verniani - seems to have missed both with citizens and businesses as evidenced by the huge legal fees which you had to load our community to follow the many delicate issues such as prison, village rings, parking Piazzale Mazzini, Pip Valpiana area, which Polyteckne have had, or could have a major impact on the municipal budget and local taxpayers' pockets. "

Yet, we observe a Verniani, one need only use various sources to involve citizens.

"That's right - reply - but unfortunately also prepared ad hoc bodies such as village assemblies and committees have significant gaps and limited decision making powers that are not likely to encourage in actual participation, which puts them to frustrate even the weak openings launched by the Regulation on the advice of Fraction approved in 1992, by which the City Council had an obligation to seek the opinion on some important matters like the budget, the plan regulator, the plan for socio-economic development, works and public events, preservation of historical and cultural environment. In fact, under the current regulation of the village committees are advisory bodies optional. But the consultation process did not work, being limited to a mere exchange of views between members or directors and local party secretaries: absolute hegemony of power, which ultimately frustrate even the law on regional participation. "

His words seem to understand that the Democratic Party temerebbe democracy? Why?.

"The simple answer is fear of the proceedings of reality left to themselves. The PDL - concludes Verniani - propose an amendment of the regulations aimed at involving citizens in the villages, now considered second-class citizens, making assemblies and village committees in advisory bodies required. #

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on my behalf, on behalf of my party and all members and supporters, I condemn in the 'hard the vile threats suffered by Mayor Lidia Bai.
Ricordo che la figura istituzionale del primo cittadino rappresenta noi tutti, senza alcuna distinzione di convinzioni e partito e qualunque minaccia a lei rivolta deve essere percepita come un attacco alla Collettivita’ ed alla Democrazia.
In qualunque ambito ed in qualunque circostanza i folli che non percepiscono la differenza tra polemica politica e vigliacca criminalita’ debbono essere isolati e denunciati.
Al nostro Sindaco va quindi la mia piu’ sincera solidarieta’.

Monday, September 6, 2010

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The People of Freedom Calls on Administration to ensure the largest audience," the citizens must be involved, "Participatory democracy? For the villages is a chimera "

COURIER Maremma 5 / 9

Massa Marittima The People of Freedom Calls on Administration to ensure the largest audience, "the citizens must be involved," Democracy participatory? For the villages is a chimera "MASS MARITIME -

" Two high-sounding words such as minimally implemented: Participatory Democracy. "The deputy coordinator of the PDL Cristian Verniani spoke on the situation of the village assemblies and committees which, in his opinion, show many gaps in the "business continuity, competent, and decision-making powers, che non sono tali da incoraggiare in concreto la partecipazione". Oggi secondo l'attuale regolamento, i comitati di frazione sono organi consultivi facoltativi. "Ma il processo di consultazione - commenta Verniani - di fatto non funziona essendo costretto a un mero e puro scambio di pareri tra amministrazione e iscritti o segretari locali di partito: un'egemonia assoluta di potere. Sarebbe' opportuno per coinvolgere veramente i cittadini delle frazioni, cittadini di serie B, come dimostra l'attuale politica, trasformare assemblee e comitati di frazione in organi consultivi obbligatori. Una trasformazione che non sarebbe poi altro che un ripristino della situazione instaurata dal regolamento sui consigli di Frazione approvato nel 1992, precedente l'attuale". In tale Regulation in fact the City Council had an obligation to seek the opinion on eight areas: budget scheme, plan, municipal regulation, public works, economic development, preservation of historical and cultural environment, public events. "Why the Democratic Party is afraid of democracy? The simple answer is fear of Judgement plenty of reality in themselves. The PDL - concludes Verniani - propose an amendment of the regulations, certain that the opinion of each individual, and community resource

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Improve visitor reception.

NATION 5 / 9
Massa Marittima EVENTS "Improving the welcome to visitors' Series of proposals put forward by the leader of the PDL of Massa Marittima John Favilli to improve the reception of those who attended events strong appeal.

The success of 'glass beneath the stars' must, in the opinion of the sparks, the local authority lead to some necessary reflection for the safety of visitors. "While the crowds gathered for the 'opportunity to be able to have escape routes in any emergency. Escape routes should be properly marked and that the personnel involved to 'public order are adequately trained for such situations. With the 'help of a proper signage, the flow of visitors should be primarily directed according to a single direction, with a fixed route, scheduled and proper entry and exit information provided by security staff. " This solution adds Favilli, would also allow a more equitable distribution of admissions to all businesses interested in the evening. Finally you need to install some chemical toilets during the journey and prolong the 'opening hours' only service available that is done close your hand when you need it

Sunday, September 5, 2010

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Thursday, September 2, 2010

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Do not be fooled by appearances and by the controversy that has always been prevalent in August, the majority agrees, and with it - and what is more important - the government is compact.

Il Popolo della Libertà non ha dubbi nel sostenere l’azione dell’esecutivo ed il programma messo a punto da Silvio Berlusconi. L’accordo con la Lega resta granitico e strategico, come ha ulteriormente dimostrato il vertice tra il premier e Umberto Bossi. Gli alleati minori, alcuni dei quali siedono nel governo e negli enti locali, non hanno intenzione di creare ostacoli. E quanto ai cosiddetti finiani, ricordiamo che essi sono tuttora iscritti al Pdl, pur con un gruppo parlamentare a parte. E che si sono impegnati a votare i cinque punti del governo.

L’Italia ha dunque in questo momento la maggioranza ed il governo, più concordi e compatti tra i grandi paesi occidentali. Così come questo Government still has the international rating higher. Not so in Germany, where despite the excellent results in economy line of Chancellor Angela Merkel is criticized in the same popular support because of the excessive data banks and industries at the expense of taxpayers. Not so in Britain, where the alliance between conservatives and liberals do not yet allow the development of a real economic and social program.

It is not particularly in France, where Nicolas Sarkozy is weak in the polls and under fire within his party. And if we look further, we find a Barack Obama weakened by uncertainties on the economic and military, and a Japan that is hard to give governments durable: and we're talking major G8 countries.

Italy is the only one of these countries, which expresses unity and stability of government politica.Al point that many observers - including those most critical for bias as the Financial Times - ... will provide that after Berlusconi Berlusconi.

The rest are talking a few days. One such example: the visit of Colonel Gaddafi raised, as expected, much fanfare, there were protests from an art of Catholics and women. The League, in his paper, he made a distinction. But in the end?
really think that they were poised to Christianity in Italy and Europe and the rights of women?

is how often created controversy. Most agree, compact government, voter approval. If you were to vote tomorrow there would be no game. There will not be needed, but meanwhile this is what really counts

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Northern League," Al Falusi have only created new seats'

political landscape
Massa Marittima SCHILLACI CRITICAL SERVICES FOR THE ELDERLY IN A PROCESSING INSTITUTE "ASP" Lega Nord "Al Falusi have only created new seats "The Northern League

ALSO works on the discussion of the costs and accusing the organization of the Institute Falusi Mayor Lydia Bai, the commissioner and president of the Society of Luciano health and that of the Faithful Falusi Roberto Schiavetti of 'non-compliance in the implementation of the regional law on the reorganization and transformation of IPAB. The regional rules - reminiscent of the League coordinator Paul Schillaci - provided their freedom for a new institutional framework that Tuscany has seen the almost exclusive formation of Public Companies for Human Services (ASP), despite the severe organizational parameters identified, including which a wealth of value not less than € 500 thousand, which accounted for the Institute has reached a budget Falusi dishes, glasses, cutlery and trays, perhaps to create new chairs paid to allow the left to keep its system of power. " The left, Schillaci states, "is strangely forgotten, however, to realize the rest of the route, which would have put the asp in the planning and provision of social welfare by entering into special service contracts with local governments, to be financed through its own resources and rents capital, realizing services with the best ratio between quality and cost. What happened to these requirements? What sense does it make un'asp had virtually no assets? Was it not better to merge the organization within the SDS - Calls Schillaci -. They would have saved € 16 thousand per year to pay for the President ed il Consiglio di amministrazione, recando al contrario vantaggi per i lavoratori dell’asp FaIusi che avrebbero visto avvicinare i loro trattamenti contrattuali a quelli della sanità. Adesso — conclude — ogni possibile investimento, in assenza di patrimonio, rischia di trovare copertura solo all’interno della quota sociale della retta».