provides a protocol between the prefecture , provincial government and banks. This is the first home mortgage discounts and allowances to workers
Residents of the province of Padua, who got a mortgage and to difficulties encountered related to the economic crisis, they have lost income or even employment, or - if employed or quasi-employees - were fired or in a wage supplementation, can now count on the benefits of the memorandum of understanding signed today in the prefecture by the Prefect Michele Lepri galleries, the Provincial President Barbara Degani and 16 banks.
Two support measures:
• the block - for a maximum period of 12 months - for payment of installments amortization of loans for first home in favor of the residents in the province that prove to be in financial difficulty;
• anticipation, by the banks which signed the Protocol of severance pay to workers INPS Redundancy Fund in ordinary or extraordinary, even by way of derogation, suspension, mobility or unemployment, in case of delays to the collection and concessional terms.
The agreement 'crisis' is a result of the work of the Provincial Board for the monitoring of credit established at the prefecture of Padua, to meet the needs related to economic and financial situation land, has set in motion a network of cooperation.
institutions that have joined the Protocol are: Banca Antonveneta (Gruppo Montepaschi), Banca Popolare di Verona, Cassa di Risparmio del Veneto (Gruppo Intesa - San Paolo), Unicredit Banca Veneto Federation of Banks and credit unions .
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