Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Evinrude 4 Hp Oil Screw

suspension of mortgage payments for those on a case - Banco Popular

Banco Popolare (which is part of the Credito Bergamasco) suspend the payment of installments of loans to workers in distress. The aid, intended for example to workers in case integration was made possible thanks to an agreement with the Ministry of Economy: the suspension can be up to 12 months at no cost and with a consequent prolongation of the repayment period.

from the end of last July, are entitled to suspend all subscribers of a loan for the purchase primary residences that have benefited from measures of income support for suspension from work (wage supplementation ordinary or special) or have lost their jobs are employees or are in possession of the requirements for the award of a lump sum of Article 19, paragraph 2.

The applicant should simply go to the door where it maintains its relationship loan, forward the request for suspension: INPS will then provide confirmation to the bank by providing information on its database.

The suspension of mortgage payments is accompanied by a series di altre iniziative: dalla possibilità di rinegoziare la durata o il tipo di mutuo, alla proposta di un pacchetto completo per la portabilità del mutuo.

Via: http://www.ecodibergamo.it/


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