Io e il mio compagna abbiamo visto una casa di due piani e vorremmo comprarla per farci un b&b. L’immobile costa 400.000 €. E 'can take two different loans to 200,000 in two different banks? It 's a thing feasible?
E 'virtually impossible since there tied to the loan' on the ignition of the mortgage on the property. In accordance, in fact, when all of the mortgage loan is made to the bank on the unit 'of the property being financed. The mortgage is a guarantee that protects the bank and is publicly registered real estate to make it public.
So you can 'practice. The board and 'whether there are advantages municipal, provincial or regional small business. They are, in fact, many national laws, and even more 'regional ones, which allow grants, soft loans and tax benefits or contributions to those who want to start a new facility.
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