Monday, July 27, 2009

Frye Boots Philippines

Mortgages: The surrogate gives strength to the customer

La banca «fannullona», quella che cercherà di ostacolare il trasferimento del mutuo a un nuovo istituto, dovrà pagare una penalità dell’1% al cliente. Questa, in sintesi, la nuova norma contenuta nel decreto anticrisi appena approvato alla Camera. A Anedda Roberto, vice president of MutuiOnline - The website that compares offers banking mortgages - we ask: is a step towards a better relationship bank-saver and a push for greater functionality of the system?

"It's definitely a good thing. Confirmation and gives effect to the principle of subrogation. The penalty is an additional instrument to which the customer may also take into account the conclusion of the contract. It makes it somewhat stronger. "

Today some banks may tend to procrastinate to retain the customer ...
"The customer keeps it in another way: Offers convenient and better service. "
The new standard, it is not amended in the Senate, provides that the process of substitution must be started within 30 days

"The text in fact is a bit 'generic, and this is a weakness . Thirty days to perfect the subrogation are not many: it is a complex operation, with the artists various parts and each of them might have some responsibility for delays. The penalty will be paid by the old bank, but this in turn could seek if there is basis, the new bank, or notary, or the public offices that have been slow ...».

La penalità la incassa il cliente?
«Sì, e anche questo è un elemento delicato. Anche il cliente - per il quale la surroga è completamente gratuita, poiché le spese, anche notarili, sono a carico della banca nuova - è parte nel processo di surroga, perché, per esempio, a certi atti deve essere presente. Non si deve poter pensare che lo stesso cliente trovi il modo di ritardare - non presentandosi, non facendosi trovare - per incassare la penalità; che è dell’1% per ogni mese o frazione di mese...».
Che ci siano stati ritardi delle banche, in molti casi, è fuori di dubbio.
«Sì, e alcuni sono stati anche sanctioned by the Antitrust Authority. However, the text could be more flexible: it could mean for instance that the expiration of 30 days becomes important and may be challenged only if it recognizes the intent or guilt. So instead it seems that everything in the office. And this brings another element of doubt. "
"The decree does not say who should enforce the rule. How does a customer who feels the victim of delay in asserting their rights? Advocate must go? And who pays the legal fees? And who decides? There is no indication of an authority to determine whether there is responsibility and to whom it belongs. "

The customer can substitute the bank many times as you want?
"Theoretically, yes. But if he does a year and a year is not difficult to find then that gives him a straight. "


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