Negli ultimi sei mesi in Italia è diminuita in termini percentuali la quota di famiglie che ha difficoltà a pagare le rate del mutuo. Il dato, in particolare, emerge da un’indagine Censis-Confcommercio sui debiti delle famiglie; nel dettaglio, la percentuale è scesa nel periodo dal 44,1% di gennaio 38.1% in June 2009.
virtually unchanged and equal to about 17%, however, is the proportion of those who has an ongoing installment payments for a mortgage, the decline of families in difficulty with paying the mortgage, therefore, reflects expectations to improve the economic situation of households compared to the difficulties of recent months, but clearly need further stabilization and improvement, including the employment front, in order to return to Italy in pre-crisis levels.
Meanwhile, the CRIF, a confirmation of how things are improving, today announced that, for the fifth straight month, demand for loans by Italian families stood on the rise, in particular, last June the increase was 8%.
The top growth at the time this year, has been touched in March this year thanks to the renegotiation of mortgages on first homes for residential use, while for the last month has seen a decline in demand for loans for high amounts for the benefit of sustained growth, however, for those up to the threshold of 75 000 €.
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