Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fence Horizontal Slats Merbau

La minoranza si sveglia e attacca il Pd I nuovi consiglieri di Massa Comune infiammano il Consiglio Comunale

Massa Marittima La minoranza si sveglia e attacca il Pd I nuovi consiglieri di Massa Comune infiammano il Consiglio Comunale


«FUOCHI D’ARTIFICIO» al consiglio comunale sparati senza soluzione di continuità da una minoranza che si è svegliata dal torpore delle sedute precedenti forse anche in coincidenza con l’arrivo dei due nuovi consiglieri di Massa Comune Federico Montomoli e Gennaro Orizzonte che hanno sostituito i dimissionari Mazzocco e Iozzi. E’ stato proprio Montomoli, dopo un inizio soft seating in which the Mayor Lydia Bai commemorated the recently deceased former mayor Renato Bolognini and to Pollica Angelo Vassallo brutally killed by two assassins, to light the fuse directing words of fire against the Democratic Party guilty of the list apostofato Civic with epithets' heavy offensive, strangely in complete silence of the Democratic Party leader Richard Rapezzi even directly called into question several times. A very noble - Montomoli said - and unfair as they are not fired on the group to identify the real objectives. We are not hypocrites, nor any, or uncivilized, as you have said several times, but we represent those who do not recognize the way you manage and will do it for the good of the city. " Without this background it was logical and predictable opening a deep impression during the long meeting between majority and minorities on the most important topics under consideration. Confirmation, if I were needed, expressed by the minority by voting against the budget changes to the full. " Always Montomoli, "noting the lack of a policy that allows the recognition of the state of implementation of programs," he questioned the expenditure for national holidays, for sharing with the transport service for young people in a nightclub, those for the project 's water of the mayor, considered anachronistic increase of three thousand euro for administrators when it still does not accept the conduct of council meetings on Saturday and excessive € 10 thousand provided for assignments to external professionals. On the same wavelength is also the leader of the People of Freedom John Favilli Pizzarotti on the matter, "which projects - asked Favilli - should be cut in order to pay the debt?", And the work that the municipal slaughterhouse, only to provide a real disaster financial burden for municipal coffers. For its part, the mayor pointed out the obstacles to be overcome from compliance with the Stability Pact to the credit of nearly a half million euro claimed by the Ministry of Industry for the work done by former mining sites Niccioleta. Infine riguardo alla vicenda Pizzarotti la prima rata di mezzo milione è stata pagata in attesa che il Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia, fra l’altro proprietario e gestore del Carcere, si esprima sulla richiesta di accollarsi l’intero debito sancito dalla sentenza della Corte d’Appello di Roma


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