Friday, September 17, 2010

Pontoon Trailer Conversion


Massa Marittima II goes to the center: "The authorities shall avoid, to find a remedy" "The school è un problema dal 2001" Il Pdl sulla situazione di Tatti: "La colpa è del sindaco Bai

MASSA MARITTIMA - "La colpa della situazione attuale a Tatti è da attribuirsi palesemente all'amministrazione Bai". Così Maurizio Russo, coordinatore del Pdl, ritorna sulla vicenda che ha portato molte mamme della piccola frazione di Massa Marittima a protestare apertamente per la mancanza di un servizio di scuolabus. Per spiegare il proprio punto di vista e avvalorare le sue tesi, Russo volge lo sguardo al passato e racconta la storia simile accaduta per Prata. "Nel 2001 padri e madri di bambini delle scuole materne ed elementari di Prata, chiesero all'allora sindaco di Massa Marittima, Luca Sani, di mettere a disposizione della frazione a school bus, to avoid transportation in a bus. Then as now, the response of the municipal administration was negative. "Prata's parents, however, did not lose heart and challenge the City of Montieri headed by Russo, independent and not aligned to the left of the city's Administration crossbow, receiving a favorable response to school bus transport to the nearby school Boccheggiano. "After a few weeks - continues the story Maurizio Russo - Mayor Sani, worried about the flight to the small mining village school, he tried to remedy by prohibiting the school montierino crossing the municipal boundaries, forcing mothers to organize with pratigiane own and to accompany their children just outside the border where he was ready to receive the longed-van "illegal. Of course, only when he was elected in the town of his friend Marcello Montieri Giuntini, stronger political sympathies Massetani cousins, was granted permission to Prata enter into with the school and reduce the inconvenience to children and families. " The situation that occurred at Tatti, according to the PDL, is therefore guilty not only of past administrations but also current. "If ilcomune of Massa Marittima is a liquidity crisis, it is uncertain due to cuts in government or in neighboring towns, but only at the technical administrative errors (c Pizzarotti Pep.) That led to significant debts. When we talk about children - and then concludes Russian - if we want, we can always find a solution, even in the face of arrogance and irresponsibility of a few professional politicians who do not understand that living in small businesses, remote from large numbers it is not a habit but a sacred right. "Chiara Calcagno


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