La protesta delle opposizioni
Massa Marittima 27/09/2010
I sottoscritti capogruppo Giovanni Favilli ed Alessandro Tassoni, convocati in data odierna 27.09.2010 per i lavori della Prima Commissione Consiliare, sulla revisione Statuto e regolamenti, per l’ approvazione del protocollo d’ intesa con la Parrocchia di S.Pietro all’Orto, per l’ uso del chiostro di S.Agostino, ritengono doveroso svolgere the following considerations:
1. That the City Council and 'was convened for the day September 29, 2010, that the' last City Council was' done on 06.28.2010 and the former had been called on 02/29/2010 , with a frequency of 1 then the Council every three to four months.
2. That the commissions do not suffer much better fate.
3. That the City Council meetings are no longer 'recorded on magnetic tape
4. That the City Council refuses to pass on these public sessions over the Internet
5. That the Urban and 'been changed to move la discussione delle interrogazioni ed interpellanze da primo ad ultimo argomento, quando normalmente la sala del Consiglio e’ priva di spettatori.
1. Che, per quanto attiene la nostra conoscenza, in nessun Comune d’ Italia sono presenti condizioni del tipo illustrato nel precedente paragrafo
2. Che la commissione che indaga sull’ operato dell’ Amatur non e’ stata piu’ convocata dal giorno 16/06/2010 e che da questa convocazione erano attese risposte urgenti ed indifferibili.
3. Che la maggioranza dovrebbe convene the committee to discuss with the opposition of other problems and democratically search on them a unity 'operation and intent in the' public interest (see panzarotti payments, parking in the Cathedral Area Molendi ex-, ex- -Agriculture, Budget Amaturo, chronic inability 'to recover the claims certified by the auditor of the budget, municipal budget, etc.).
The obvious intention of 'City Council not to speak and did not want to hear about this and that' burning the proposals and ideas of the opposition, effectively isolating the political debate for almost 50% of opposition to those citizens who have entrusted their vote and their representativeness', in contrast to the rather blatantly proclaimed several times by the same majority in the newspapers.
DECIDED to leave the room so the committee as a form of protest against a situation they felt more 'sustainable and to entrust this joint statement to the press must' also become part and parcel of the Minutes of the Board.
John Favilli ; Alessandro Tassoni
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