Monday, September 13, 2010

How Long Safe To Take Minocin

Delve into reality 'OPERA

's administration of our city' bases its political controversy on two pillars: The first

ideas necessary to solve the problems created by 60 years to come must come from the left 'opposition. A contradiction in terms, as a function of cheapens the plethora of brains and chairs available the majority. But for this purpose it should be noted that all the opposition, without distinction, have submitted ideas and programs that the 'current majority refuses to discuss virtually debasing activity' of the commissions and councils, with the tactic, never seen before , non-call, putting the "sine die", the instrumental modification of the regulations (discussed questions in as the last argument), etc ... The second

The lack of resources' attributed to the "cuts" of the government. At this point I have spoken more 'times and are always ready to list in detail the real reasons for this lack, summarized in gravi responsabilita’ dell’ amministrazione sotto forma di crediti non riscossi certificati dai revisori dei conti, spese correnti enormemente superiori alle spese in conto capitale, errori da risarcire a spese dei cittadini tipo Pinzarotti, vertenza zona industriale, parcheggio sotto il duomo ecc…

L’ abbattimento indiscriminato degli olmi di Valpiana e’ un piccolo esempio che fornisce l’ evidenza del quadro operativo di un’ Amministrazione che da un lato predica l’ ambientalismo e dall’ altro distrugge risorse centenarie senza alcun motivo apparente. Questa la situazione, mentre l’ assessore Michelini sembra impegnato in altre piu’ urgenti questioni ed il sindaco difende intransigentemente il proprio diritto al parcheggio in zone vietate ai comuni mortali.

                                                                                                                       John Favilli


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