Abundance Tree is losing leaves
Massa Marittima L’Albero dell’Abbondanza sta perdendo le foglie
LUCI E OMBRE sul celebre affresco alla Fonti dell’Abbondanza (nella foto) sottoposto da un paio di anni ad un delicato intervento di manutenzione nel tentativo di salvaguardarne l’integrità. L’ultima verifica in questi giorni alla presenza among other experts from the Superintendence for Artistic and Ethno-anthropological Heritage History of the provinces of Siena and Grosseto and the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, as well as technicians and administrators of the City. The latest review has not dissolved completely the doubts from the outset of monitoring. "The results - Franco Donati said vice mayor and councilor for culture - are discordant for which it was decided to continue the study phase of setting a new site inspection on 16, when you determine the next phase of recovery." One thing is certain. The fresco dates back to 1300, which for his particular erotic content has caused such a fuss before losing the color gradually under the influence of several factors including the strong action of the waters that flow near the wall on which it stands, should be subject to a periodic monitoring
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