Thursday, September 2, 2010

Vitex To Induce Period


Do not be fooled by appearances and by the controversy that has always been prevalent in August, the majority agrees, and with it - and what is more important - the government is compact.

Il Popolo della Libertà non ha dubbi nel sostenere l’azione dell’esecutivo ed il programma messo a punto da Silvio Berlusconi. L’accordo con la Lega resta granitico e strategico, come ha ulteriormente dimostrato il vertice tra il premier e Umberto Bossi. Gli alleati minori, alcuni dei quali siedono nel governo e negli enti locali, non hanno intenzione di creare ostacoli. E quanto ai cosiddetti finiani, ricordiamo che essi sono tuttora iscritti al Pdl, pur con un gruppo parlamentare a parte. E che si sono impegnati a votare i cinque punti del governo.

L’Italia ha dunque in questo momento la maggioranza ed il governo, più concordi e compatti tra i grandi paesi occidentali. Così come questo Government still has the international rating higher. Not so in Germany, where despite the excellent results in economy line of Chancellor Angela Merkel is criticized in the same popular support because of the excessive data banks and industries at the expense of taxpayers. Not so in Britain, where the alliance between conservatives and liberals do not yet allow the development of a real economic and social program.

It is not particularly in France, where Nicolas Sarkozy is weak in the polls and under fire within his party. And if we look further, we find a Barack Obama weakened by uncertainties on the economic and military, and a Japan that is hard to give governments durable: and we're talking major G8 countries.

Italy is the only one of these countries, which expresses unity and stability of government politica.Al point that many observers - including those most critical for bias as the Financial Times - ... will provide that after Berlusconi Berlusconi.

The rest are talking a few days. One such example: the visit of Colonel Gaddafi raised, as expected, much fanfare, there were protests from an art of Catholics and women. The League, in his paper, he made a distinction. But in the end?
really think that they were poised to Christianity in Italy and Europe and the rights of women?

is how often created controversy. Most agree, compact government, voter approval. If you were to vote tomorrow there would be no game. There will not be needed, but meanwhile this is what really counts


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