The early repayment of loans personal loans and debt consolidation loans
Not necessarily once received a personal loan thanks to sale of the fifth salary is bound to settle its debt in installments through the plan attached to the contract.
If the beneficiary decides to fulfill the commitment made in one payment this is possible, but before doing so, you must request and obtain the count discontinuance of its funding.
counting discontinuance of a loan is simply a document that shows the number of outstanding discounted rate of interest not yet due.
We simplify things: the applicant in this document will set out the amount that remains to be paid less interest that would be due if you had followed the plan of the installments for the duration of the loan.
Under TAN, reported in the count extinct, is the rate of interest applied. Obviously the higher the value the greater the amount that will be discounted from the remaining balance.
Warning However, if there was a clause in the contract relating to a penalty provided for in the event of early repayment will be applied to the amount of money being returned, the majority. Usually the value of this penalty never exceeds 1% then, assuming that the applicant remains a balance of € 10,000.00 this penalty will amount to € 100.00.
addition to the early repayment clause is possible that the contract regarding the possible early repayment of the loan are fixed more minor expenses such as, for example, the annotations of the interest on the capital daily. On the basis of a relationship of transparency between financial advisor and beneficiary, all these piccoli costi possono essere rilevati analizzando la copia del contratto di prestito tramite cessione del quinto.
Inoltre, leggendo il proprio conteggio estintivo, sarà possibile informarsi sulla data ultima entro la quale è possibile estinguere la propria cessione del quinto e ottenere tutte le indicazioni riguardo le modalità di pagamento.
Nel momento in cui l’ente erogante entrerà in possesso del saldo contante verrà inviata al datore di lavoro del beneficiario una liberatoria che attesta l’effettiva estinzione del debito. In tal modo l’interessato tornerà a percepire il proprio stipendio completo, libero da trattenute per cessione del quinto.
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